Where is the closest Nuclear Power Plant?
The application Nuclear Power Plant Finder determines the distance to the nuclear power plants in your vicinity and shows them on a map.
You can enter a country, city/street or, if your device supports it, find your current location through GPS.
The search results are displayed in a map or list.
On the map you can adjust a circle which represents the distance to your current position (0-100 km). In the list the distance is displayed numerically.
Tapping the power plant icons in the map or the entries in the list will open a detail view with information about the selected nuclear power plant.
The detail view also provides a link to the Wikipedia entry of the power plant, if available. There you will find detailed information, e.g. about the owner, technical details and the plants remaining operating time.
Currently the application contains data about the positions and information of nuclear power plants in Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgary, Germany, Finland, France, India, Japan, Mexico, The Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Czech Republic, Hungary, U.S.A. and People´s Republic of China.
Disclaimer: The content of the linked websites are outside of my control. They have been checked for accuracy, but I cant vouch for them in a constantly changing internet.